Lucina Maecilius


Height: 5'9
Age: 28
Hair: Black with a violet tint
Eyes: Pale Green
Race: Garlean
Pronouns: She/Her


Luci is an adrenaline junkie and a hedonist. Life is her passion and danger is her drug. Though that doesn't keep her from indulging in numerous other vices when the mood strikes. She is flirtatious and sarcastic. She is just as quick to laugh at you, as with you, and is always on the look out for her next adventure.She is loyal to herself, first and foremost, and is not something she extends to others easily. Yet it can be gained, and for those scant few that have she is a staunch companion.Luci is also unapologetically Garlean. While she is estranged from her homeland, her reasons are her own. If you're looking for an apology for the atrocities committed by her people or your suffering at their hands, you won't find it here.

RP Hooks

What brand of magic is that? It's well documented that a Garlean can't naturally manipulate aether, and Luci's style doesn't mimic the more established Eorzean schools.Shady Connections Luci has been seen with those rumored to be on the wrong side of the law. Rules only apply if you get caught, right?Friendly disposition: Simply say hello! Luci is always looking to make new connections and find new outlets for her shennanigans.

OOC Information

This carrd is very basic and very much a WIP. It will be updated frequentlyPlayer is 21+ with years of RP experience. I'm an easy-going individual who will roll with most themes except character death. I enjoy RP in all forms; LT / story-driven RP, light / casual RP, and character development. Walk-ups are always welcomed!However. I do not write ERP for ERP's sake. It needs to make sense between the characters. Chemistry is important!Mare available on request.OOC ≠ IC I am not my character. Her actions/interactions do not reflect on the player's preferences/personality